Double checking

Double checking

Double checking in medical practice is an independent opinion of the doctor about the patient’s diagnosis. It is essential that this specialist is not the patient’s attending physician, and was not previously familiar with the medical history, and medical documents.

To obtain a second look, a specialist “does everything from scratch” – conducts a consultation with the patient, and studies all the provided medical reports and test results. It may be that an experienced doctor will express his alternative opinion, which will be different from the original conclusions of the patient’s attending physician.

A second look can be obtained anytime, before or during treatment.

Why is a second look important to a patient?

Having received a complex diagnosis, the patient most often becomes unstable in his emotional state and experiences high anxiety. The second look is used to confirm or refute the diagnosis, to check the correctness of the treatment, or to obtain an alternative opinion on the methods of dealing with the disease.

It is not uncommon for a patient to collect several alternative opinions from specialists in order to better understand the diagnosis and treatment options. But it should be remembered that such a method can also be harmful – too many opinions and suggestions for treatment can lead to wasted time and indecision in choosing a treatment.

If you want to get a second look service, you need to consult with the best doctors you trust. Medsolution Clinic provides second look services by doctors with decades of experience working with a large number of patients.

When should you seek a second look from a specialist? For:

  • clarification of the diagnosis
  • checking the correctness of the treatment or the effectiveness of the treatment,
  • decisions about surgery or taking potent procedures on the body (you need to be well confident in the effectiveness of such crucial steps in order to save time and speed up the decision on treatment). In this case, you need to contact the most experienced specialists,
  • obtain a transcript of existing medical information, treatments options, and advice on alternative treatments;

And also if:

  • there are doubts about the diagnosis or prescribed medications,
  • the patient wants to use alternative and most progressive methods of dealing with the disease.

What information is needed to get a second look

To get a qualified second look from an independent specialist, you need to collect as much information as possible about your diagnosis – medical records (epicrisis), medical images, diagnoses, and tests. It is necessary to prepare questions on your doctor’s clinical report and treatment methods. If the opinion of an independent specialist does not coincide with the initial diagnosis or proposed treatment methods, this is an occasion to reconsider the initial plan to combat the disease.

How Medsolution Clinic can help you get a second look

Medsolution Medical Assistance Clinic will assist you in choosing the right doctor and treating the most complex pathologies. We have diagnosticians, oncologists, chemotherapists, and neurosurgeons – all of them will help you confirm or refute the diagnosis, as well as select the necessary procedures.

The second look in Medsolution is consultations with extra-class doctors – experienced, innovative oncologists, neurosurgeons, and diagnosticians. We work with specialists who have thousands of patients to their credit. Our clinic also selects an individual treatment plan for each patient. The treatment plan includes diagnostics, treatment, doctor consultations, all necessary procedures, and manipulations.

The second look about your diagnosis is confidence in the correctness of the treatment and in the preservation of health. Trust your health only to experienced specialists!

We work in Astana and Almaty. Submit your details and have the best opinion. Get a second look – that’s Medsolution! We will save your time and health!

Лого Medsolution

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